
Mod Podge Crafts

I own a lot of scrapbook paper and Mod Podge, so it was only natural for me to create some craft projects using the two supplies. I made these lovely, springtime crafts with only a few products.

  1. The first project is a small wood crate that I bought and painted a few months ago. I was using it for storage on my desk.

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I started by cutting the paper to fit the crate. Next, I glued the paper and crate together by applying a thin layer of Mod Podge on the crate and the back of the paper. (Use your hands or some other object to help smooth out any wrinkles in the paper.) I let the Mod Podge dry for a couple of hours, then I added another layer to seal the crate.

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2. For the next project, I decorated a small wood box that’s almost shaped like a purse.

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I painted the box light yellow.

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Next, I cut the paper to fit the outside and inside of the box.

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Then I glued the paper to the box using Mod Podge.

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Finally, I let the box dry for a couple of hours.

Now I have a cute storage box for my jewelry and other small items.

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3. I used a wood tray for the last project.

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I painted the tray with Krylon Sun Yellow Spray Paint.

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Next, I cut the scrapbook paper to fit inside the tray.

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Then I glued and sealed the paper into the tray using Mod Podge.

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I love this tray because it matches the yellow flowers and candles in my living room.

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